Jupiter Tequesta Dog Club Objectives
To encourage the advancement of all breeds of pure bred dogs and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection.
To urge members and breeders to accept the American Kennel Club approved standards.
To do all possible to protect and advance the interest of pure bred dogs, breeding and exhibiting under the highest possible ethical standards, to educate and encourage the public's interest in the same, to encourage sportsmanlike competition in dog shows, to stimulate interest on the part of the general public and youth in particular in these purposes.
To conduct dog shows and sanctioned matches under The American Kennel Club rules and the rules of this Club.
To devote all profits to the furtherance of the above and other pure bred dog oriented projects, making donations to charitable and scientific organizations, with special emphasis upon dog philanthropies and educational contributions providing, however, any contribution must be favorably voted upon by a majority of those voting at a general membership meeting; and to all other matters permitted by law and not prohibited by the charter and By-Laws of The American Kennel Club.